I hope you’ll take just five minutes to read this. Because it will help you. I’ve been thinking about you. And how to share this. How to reach out after so long. And because I’m human it went something like this:
I should really write something..
But it’s been so long…
What if they don’t even remember me?
What if they’re mad? Or worse, what if they didn’t even notice?
And what the hell is that smell? (Mom thoughts)
I’m going to tell a story… and if you want to feel happier, and who really doesn’t, I think you’ll like it.
It explains something I discovered this year and is also the reason you haven’t heard from me.
So, I had to walk a REALLY rocky path to get to the big gorgeous ending of this story, but it was worth it.
If you’ve known me a while, you know that about two and a half years ago, a confrontation with my own truth led to a painful, but ultimately blessed divorce.
At the time, I was a few years into a Copy Writing and Branding business that allowed me to make that change, support my kids, have lunch with my friends, travel to California a few times a year, and basically do all of the things that society deems “successful.” I enjoyed a couple of years of not bothering to look at price tags, taking afternoons off to go to yoga and generally congratulating myself on a job well done.
But then? I got uncomfortable. Like REALLY uncomfortable.
You know… Like when your soul knows some shit about you and knows you know it too and is looking at you like this:

I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I had been allowing the bright side of success to cloud another, HIGHER truth that I hold sacred.
It doesn’t matter how big of a game you’re playing if you’re playing the wrong game.
Here’s how my thirty personalities broke this down for me:
I really don’t love what I’m doing.
But you’re so good at it and it WORKS.
Yeah, but I’m not really inspired by it.
So what. You have three kids to feed, you don’t have the luxury of being inspired all the time. You should be grateful.
Wait what? That’s absurd. Why bother if it’s not feeling like fun, sparkly, beautiful, mystical magic anymore?
Um. Cuz you’re an adult.
Yeah? Well it’s overrated. I quit.
Then, my friend died.
Katie was my age. We had been friends for 34 years. She was truly the kindest, happiest human being I knew. Mother of two little boys, children’s book author. Diagnosed with a TERRIBLE disease that stole her voice, then her ability to move, her memory and in a few short months, her life.
As I read the obituary, the hundreds of social media posts and heartfelt condolences, I started thinking… If this were me, if it were MY time, what would people say about ME?
I started writing… would they say, “She was a loving mother and could write some serious sales copy.” Ugh. Would they say, “She was really great at playing it safe?” Yikes. Katie had lived her life EXACTLY how she wanted to. And her death made me question EVERYTHING I was giving my precious time to.
Before I share with you the conclusion, I want you to ask yourself this question-
WHAT TRUTH ARE YOU IGNORING? What truth is your soul WELL aware of, and just waiting for you to admit? What would you be PROUD to read about yourself?
Really think about that, because here’s what happened next.
I felt stuck. Then I felt sad. Then I started blaming OTHER things that were actually perfectly fine. Then I started noticing that I was snapping at my kids and resenting things like spilled coffee. And that’s really how you know you’ve gone way off course.
If spilling coffee causes you to wonder why bad things happen to good people, you need a change honey. Make no mistake. This was PAINFUL. A broad and flexible form of despair that made no sense to most everyone who knew me and who only saw the highlight reel.
So, I stopped. I still committed to my regular clients. But I stopped taking on new ones. I stopped answering the phone. I energetically shoved away anything that felt like a disruption in flow. I threw up a wall to anything that even remotely insulted my soul. And I realized that I had taken myself to ground zero.
I had basically, consciously dismantled a six-figure business. Courageous or insane?
Time will tell. But here’s what I know for sure.
You cannot outrun your truth. You may stay a few laps ahead of it for a while, but it will start whispering.
“Shhhh” you’ll say and go on with life. So, it will get louder, clawing at you, shouting, until you can’t ignore it anymore and suddenly you’re crying in public, getting insulted by random Facebook posts and considering your first tattoo. (Maybe that’s just me).
You see, I am a writer, yes, and I write awesome copy, content and brand strategy for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
I am a spiritual teacher. A motivational speaker. And a reluctant intuitive.
I am all those things. So, what did I finally figure out? (I thank you for your patience.)
Success is only possible and sustainable through SACRED INTEGRATION.
You need to feed ALL parts of your whole in order to be truly happy.
I needed to do the same. I needed to feed the part that was spiritual AND the part that was sexy. The part that was strategic AND mystical. The part that knows how to make money AND the part that can find the exact words to tune someone into their own HIGHER truth.
I am no longer able to do things that aren’t aligned with a HIGHER perspective. A HIGHER motivation. A HIGHER level of awareness.
I won’t get into some of the things I ran into in my industry that really had me questioning my faith in humanity, but I will say that I could no longer play a role in it, no matter how shiny and VIP-ish that role was.
I am a mermaid. No fear of depth and a great fear of shallow bullshit. You must be willing to leave the comfort of the surface to find the treasure in the deep.
And that’s how I came to the launch of my new company, HIGHER MEDIA GROUP, and its inaugural community, HIGH SOCIETY.
But this is not business as usual.
We are redefining what it means to be HIGH SOCIETY. Our mission is to be a home for people who are committed to living, working, earning, loving and thinking at a HIGHER level. For people who know that success is not measured in numbers alone, but in numbers AND peace.
We pencil in workouts. We pencil in meetings. We pencil in car-pooling commitments and committee obligations and a thousand other things. And we forget to pencil in PEACE.
You must pay attention to ALL Of your parts. You must pay attention to the part of you that straight up wants more money. And the part of you that appreciates a stunning work of art. And the part of you that longs to be comfortable in your sensuality. And the part of you that is ready to go deeper, to shine brighter, to RISE.
It ALL matters.
Please. Stop thinking that you’ll handle THIS problem once you’ve handled THAT one. Stop fragmenting your happiness. Stop feeling guilty for wanting more. Because the truth is, this is your time here. And it’s not infinite.
Integrate. Align.
Let 2019 be the year you PAY ATTENTION. The year you finally realize that the clock is ticking and that there’s beauty everywhere and that you’re entitled to be a part of it.
With love,
P.S Thanks for reading.
If you’d like to be a part of the NEW High Society, I’ll be telling you how you can join after the first of the year. No velvet rope. No application required. No huge and unattainable price tag. If you want a discount code, just hit reply here and tell me one truth. One thing you can no longer ignore. One sacred agreement with yourself! I might not know you personally, but I love you. Because that’s how the new High Society rolls. Love and light and Happy Holidays!!!!