Bath salts or bullsh*t?

Here’s the deal…

I’m a sucker for self-care. I 100% believe that your SELF should be a top priority. Now as you can imagine, this is a hot-button issue with two sides.

That just sounds selfish,” some might say.

Think of others BEFORE you think of yourself,” says the old adage.

No no,” says someone else, “Put your OWN oxygen mask on first.”

Here’s where I stand on this…

Self-care and care for others are not mutually exclusive. They are meant to work in tandem.

self-care relaxing bathBut women’s magazines, in particular, have done self-care a disservice. Google articles on self-care and you’ll find advice like:

Take a bath with bath salts and candles.
Read a great book on the beach.
Turn off your phone and binge on Netflix.
Put the kids to bed early and drink wine.

Ummmm, so let me get this straight… I am only to care for myself when I leave my normal geographic location or no other humans are awake in my house?

It’s total bullshit. The truth is (and you KNOW it), if you find yourself NEEDING some surface self-care it’s because you have neglected the DEEP and ongoing self-care that your soul actually requires.

If you find yourself day-dreaming about an escape, it’s because you haven’t cultivated peace in your daily reality.

Because if you are consistently caring for yourself on a deep level and making it a practice, those desperate urges for a “break” are few and far between.

I was playing with my kids the other day and we were passing around a balloon trying to keep it from hitting the ground (at which point Louie, our psychotic animal, would dive on it and make it his dinner).

And it occurred to me. You are the balloon. Light and airy by nature. Self-care is what keeps you from falling. Practice is what keeps you from dropping to the ground. Commitment to your own well-being and growth and is what ultimately keeps your balloon from the dreaded “POP!”

So, you don’t need to forget candles and wine and Netflix.

But how about adding in a few things?

How about adding in a regular date with your own intuition?

And a few sacred covenants between you and your soul?

And a deep understanding of your non-negotiable boundaries?

And a re-awakened passion for bending towards the light and spotting beauty wherever you go.

Do a little of THAT, every week, and I can promise you, your need to waste three hours scrolling through Airbnb’s you probably won’t visit will all but disappear.

Because you will have cultivated a space within you and around you that feels like sunlight….


HIGH SOCIETY is just a couple of weeks away.

It is the gym membership for your soul.

A workout plan for your perspectives, week by week, day by day, breakthrough by breakthrough…


High Society with Gina Hussar



I’m curious… what’s one self care promise you’re willing to make to yourself this year? Finish this sentence: “Deep down I know I need to be better about……”

Leave a comment below and let me know.


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