I Love Jesus, But I Drink a Little

Ellen laughingA few years ago, there was an episode of the Ellen DeGeneres show in which Ellen phoned an elderly lady named Gladys from Texas. During that call, Gladys said, “Now, let me tell you something, I love Jesus, but I drink a little.” Ellen LOST it laughing. And so did I. Because sassy old Gladys had cracked the code on what it takes to be happy. BALANCE. She knew the secret to the good life. You don’t have to be perfect, only willing. What a relief.

Because here’s the truth: It wasn’t that long ago that I was at the emotional equivalent of rock bottom, kneeling in a church, asking God (out loud and not that nicely) why he wasn’t listening. But in the last few years I’ve created incredible miracles for myself. My life has transformed. I realized that the path to mind-blowing happiness and enlightenment doesn’t require perfection. You don’t have to be the Buddhist monk on the hill to live a kick-ass life of peace, love, wealth and passion. I am far from perfect. I am not the “after” of a before-and-after as so many Facebook posts want us to believe.

But every day, I recommit to living HIGHER. I sometimes drink wine on week nights, enjoy the Real Housewives franchise a little too much, and occasionally sit at dinner looking at my family through my fork, because pretending they’re in jail makes me laugh for a sec.

The point is, I look just like you. My life is real and messy and over booked, yet I’m still on an enlightened path. Still creating miracles. I used to think this way of living was for quiet people. Serene people who sat in lotus pose and meditated and cooked gluten free, made scrapbooks for their kids and never said the word “f*ck.”

But that’s just not true. This path to enlightenment and peace and miracles was very much for me. And it’s for you too.



Here are just a few myths about living a spiritual, more enlightened life that I want you to kick to the curb once and for all.

  1. If you’re spiritual, you shouldn’t care about moneyUm… no. Oprah disagrees and so do I. What’s important about money is your INTENTION. Receiving, attracting and earning money allows you to make a bigger difference in the world. It FUNDS your purpose. It gifts you with the freedom to live life on our own terms. So, make it. Love it. Hell, throw it on your bed and roll around naked in it. Money is a good thing.
  2. If you’re spiritual, you shouldn’t care about how you look Wrong again. Part of being spiritual is being attuned to what alignment means to you. It feels good to me to get ready in the morning, to slap on a beauty mask at night, to wear clothes that fit my body well and help me feel confident. If I were to go out of the house looking like a slob, my energy would be on the floor, my eyes would be down, and I would be giving off a “don’t look at me” vibe that might rob me of the chance of connecting with people and making a difference to them or meeting someone who might make a difference for ME. You can be spiritual AND addicted to highlights and Sephora. Whatev.
  3. Being Spiritual means you are quiet, meditative, curse-word free and walking through the world singing snow-white style and sneezing out rainbows…No. I know a lot of women who are busy moms in suburban towns. Towns where the people don’t talk about chakras and are more likely to consult their manicurist than their shaman. So those women assume that spirituality is not for them. It’s for the woo woos. The weirdos. The people out west. I mention how I live to them and they get this look on their face as though I just told them I secretly collect creepy stuff. “I can’t do that. I can’t meditate… I don’t have time to see an energy worker, I don’t even know if I believe in that stuff.” Then they private message me on Fb because, as suspected, they are warriors within. And they don’t want to go on resenting their husbands, feeling overwhelmed by their kids, feeling jealous of their friends or whatever it is that keeps them up at night because they haven’t yet realized that you can be who you are, and exactly how you are and exactly where you are and still quietly move from desperation to joy. You can swear, watch The Bachelor and NOT bake for the bake sale. A total spiritual upgrade really only asks one thing: Try.


You can start with just a bite. A baby step forward that whispers to the universe “Ok… I’m ready now.”

And the universe will wake up, roll its eyes at you and say with fondness, “It’s about f*ckin’ time.” 😉

To user-friendly enlightenment,

To walking the path,

To going deep in a shallow world,

To getting HIGH in 2019…




High Society is Coming Soon!


HIGH Society is opening up soon. Hands down THE BEST, most modern, most fun, most transformative community committed to redefining what it means to be high society and working, earning, playing, thinking, living on a HIGHER level! Side effects include shiny hair, a brighter smile, a better sex life, happier Mondays, a fatter bank account and the ability to be your own psychic. For realz.

Comment below or email me and tell me ONE thing you want to learn how to do, be, have or manifest!


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