Good Riddance 2016

Good Riddance 2016
Anyone else relieved to see this year get the hell out of here?

I am. And some day, when I have processed and healed from this massively transformational year, I will share with you WHY I am happy to be kicking 2016’s ass right out the door.

I do love the New Year though. (Not New Year’s Eve. Always hated it. WAY too much pressure to find something amazing to do and way too many amateur partiers posting morally questionable pics on Facebook). But I do love a new beginning.

And my team and I are committed to NOT just being more noise in your inbox so I wondered if you could click and answer the one question below so we can chat about things that really matter to you:

What is the single biggest challenge in your life right now?

Thanks. Cheers to a rebirth, a sacred awakening, and the empowered choice to not settle for “good enough.”

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