Space Unicorns & their Wisdom

No, I’m not crazy. Hear me out.

So the other day, I was up to my ears in work. I was stressing about my upcoming business trip to LA and feeling awful about leaving the kids. I was navigating some choppy waters with some friend drama. I was soothing a client who was in a panic over a faulty link in her website. I was feeling, in general, that I wanted to erase all traces of myself from the internet, move to Bali, make seashell art and drink Pina Coladas.

Then the scream. “Mooooooom, you have to come here right away!”

Now when any of my kids say that I immediately assume I am going to find them bleeding or vomiting. I rushed to play room, fearing the worst, mentally calculating what I will do with the oldest while I drive the youngest to the emergency room…

They were making a video to the song Space Unicorn. “Look mommy we’re playing together!” said my daughter. “Come and play with us!!!”

A few years ago I would have been annoyed that they interrupted “important” stuff to show me this. But now? I realize that they were teaching me (as they always do) EXACTLY what I needed  to learn. So here, for you, are the BEST lessons I learned that day with the help of my kids and the most annoying, nonsense song ever recorded.

  1. Play more. Life is meant to be fun. How much of your day (percentage or hours) is spent WORKING, stressing, planning, fulfilling obligations etc and how much is spent in what feels like PLAY? Really take an inventory here. Flip and tweak and shift til the balance is either even or playing is winning. Serious is BORING.

  2. Unless you’re curing cancer, you’re not curing cancer. Here’s what I mean: Yes, our work means something to us. It’s important. It might make a difference. It might get problems solved and jobs done. And maybe it’s important that we have a clean house and that the laundry doesn’t pile up. But every time I find myself stressing about something (Anything from a pile of laundry to an email that goes out one day later than planned) I ask myself this question: Will anyone die because of this? Are any lives on the line because this isn’t happening the way it “should?” The answer is always, every single time, NO. So I relax. It can be done tomorrow. Your work matters. But so does your sanity. So does your health. So does your peace. Very few things are the end of the world. So shrug it off, solve it, and then go play.

  3. Curiosity is the bridge to wholeness and maybe even money. Elizabeth Gilbert tells a story about how she always wanted a garden. And she found herself curious about where her flowers came from. She started googling. And she didn’t really think about it turning into anything. She just followed that curiosity. And kept following it, all over the world in fact, to various plant and flower libraries. That curiosity became her best-selling book “The Signature of All Things.” Whatever you find yourself curious about, it’s not random. Our curiosities are carefully planted seeds, placed in our minds and hearts for a reason. Follow them. See what happens. You may find yourself with a wonderfully fulfilling hobby, a new man, a best-selling book. Who knows? The mystery is half the fun. Play isn’t frivolous. Hobbies aren’t extravagances. It all matters. It’s all pieces to your WHOLENESS and happiness.

So I did it. I got on the bed and I jumped with them.

I put the computer away for the night. I made a mental note to add something to my latest chapter (my version of play) and I ended the night cozied up on the couch. I sent the emails out the NEXT day. I planned the trip the next day too. And you know what? I woke up that “next day” feeling re-fueled and recharged. I had needed that break. And most importantly, as usual, no one died because of it. =)

OMG, am I insane?

If you have been around here for awhile you know that I am all about being transparent and “real.”

And because of that I might leave you with a mouth wide open “I cant believe she said that out loud” feeling and while I apologize if I’ve ever made you uncomfortable, I do so with good intentions. Everything I share is done in a spirit of change and a common goal of awesomeness; kind of like a soul contract between you and I to Just. Keep. Going.

So here’s the deal.

I have had a weird few months. Personal stuff, major business expansion that SOUNDS like a great thing but that brought with it all kinds of new challenges (side note – the next level ALWAYS brings next-level challenges), sick kids, an injured husband (chainsaw incident, but he’s fine now) and a whole lot of “WTF Universe!?!??!?!?”

I sat up straight in bed one night and thought to myself, “Am I going nuts? Or am I the only one who is NOT? Is everything falling apart? Or is it falling together? Am I being handed a gift or a curse? Am I on the wrong path or just in need of a detour to the same destination?” followed by another out loud “WTF IS GOING ON?”

I would love to tell you that I found the answer, but the truth is I haven’t. But I have found some mini-epiphanies.

Like this one: The JOURNEY is the most important part of the answer. Whether you are dealing with family issues, a marital season of discontent, challenging clients, needy friends or crazy kids, this is the truth. The answer? You’re IN IT!

The answers we seek are woven in and around the journey we are on. There is no one finite answer. Much like clay, the answer is molded as we go. We cannot get to the answer WITHOUT the journey as the windy roads and the mountains and the choppy waters and the gorgeous vistas are NECESSARY for the answer to formulate.

Those tribulations test us. They reflect back to us what we are made of. They show us what we want and don’t want. They often reveal a whole lot of awesome info about us that we may not have known before. And that new info may have us heading down a detour, or opening a new door, or starting a new story that TRANSFORMS our answer into what it’s ultimately meant to be.

I have encouraged you before to go against the grain and just for a moment, focus on the negative. Here’s why. We learn by contrast. And that’s what is happening to me now. (“Excused me Contrast, I get it, you’re showing me something but could you kindly slow the f*ck down and let me process some stuff?”)

Anyway, I thought it might be helpful to you to hear how I am positively processing all of this crap. Maybe answering these question for yourself will shine a new light on your journey:

  1. What feels heavy right now?
  2. What PART of that, specifically, feels the heaviest?
  3. If I had a genie in a lamp, and my wish could magically transform my answer to number 2, what would the NEW outcome look like? What truth is my answer to this question showing me?
  4. In a perfect world, I would never again have to… (Go ahead honey. List ’em all!)
  5. If am being honest, what am I seeking permission to do or to feel or to let go of? (That which you WISH you had permission and validation for is what you actually, most deeply desire.)
  6. What can I do THIS week to get closer to my answers in numbers 3, 4 and 5?

Repeat this for EVERYTHING that feels heavy. At the LEAST, you will know what you are fighting against and what you really want, and at the MOST, you’ll take at least one step towards having it.

Always here for ya. Don’t be a stranger. And if you like my rambling attempts at wisdom, please share with friends so they can join the party too. =)

My birthday wish

So my birthday was September 6th and while my birthday normally just passes without much fan fare, this one was different.

This time, my b-day weekend included a winery trip, a hike to a gorgeous waterfall and bonfire with friends. It was such a fun, nurturing weekend and I felt totally celebrated.

But something else was different.

I felt drawn to my own soul. I felt an unwavering loyalty to myself. Let me explain.

I have spent most of my life doing whatever I thought I should do to keep the peace. In fact, I had a beautiful Soul Mapping session with Georgette Star in which she told me (quite amazingly intuitive) that I tend to keep the peace even at the cost of my own serenity. So true. And sad. And so DONE!

Then I reconnected with an old friend who turned me on to an amazing new workout that totally lit me up.

Then I had a phone conversation with the brilliant coach Wendy Collier who pointedly asked me all about my favorite things and pointed out that I don’t do enough of those in my day to day life.


No more. So I spent the last week at the beck and call of my soul. I asked, each morning, “soul, what do you want me to do today?”

And my soul answered. It wanted me to write. And to read. And to get healthy. And to play with my kids. And to take more time off. And as I fully committed to creating a day to day life that answered my soul’s needs, I felt SO recharged, healthy, re-inspired, full of energy. Fierce.

Every moment, of every day, if you listen closely enough, your soul will whisper. And as they say, if you listen to your soul when it whispers, you don’t have to hear it scream. (Click to tweet that. 😉

So , what does your soul need you to do? what does your soul need you to release? Or to commit to? Ask it every day. It is the bridge to your highest good.

Here are just a few things that light me up lately. =)

My new favorite work out – BUTI YOGA:

My new favorite book: LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK:

My new favorite TED talk:

Enjoy =)

Loved your post, here’s my private part

That subject line is a killer isn’t it? I couldn’t decide between that and “I know this is super long but it’s worth it.”

A recent event has inspired me to write about the blurred boundaries that social media presents and why the human condition sets us up to fall prey to them.

So here’s me, all bright eyed snow-white-ish “just want to make the world a happy place” kind of girl. I love to meet people. I am fascinated by other people actually. I love to KNOW about other people- what makes them tick, what lights them up, their divinely appointed talents and deep-seeded passions.

It’s the kind of intense interest that dating coaches suggest you show in the other party.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Red flag. You see where this is going right?

Random person: “Hi! I love your posts. They really make my day.”

Me: “Wow, thanks that’s so nice of you! Tell me about yourself! What do you love to do?”

Random person: “I’m an artist and I dabble in writing. Married but it’s tough, etc etc.”

Me: “I hear you! Well it was great to “meet” you.”

Random person then writes a few more times and each time I politely respond and even enjoy some of the conversation as random person has a pretty great sense of humor. Then around day 6, inevitably, one of two things happen. The conversation takes a weird turn, or, I open my inbox to see a picture of random person’s private parts. True story.

I x’d out right before my daughter walked in the room and later, of course, chastised random person for his actions.

And then my internal chatter starts. (Along with my internal shame.)

“Oh my God.  WHY!?!??! How did this happen. Did I allow this to happen? Was I too nice? Did my politeness actually sound flirty? Is this MY fault? Was there something in these conversations that I needed? Did I lead him on by joking around? But joking around is what I DO!”

All over the world, every second of the day, people are rather blindly starting “relationships” via social media, many without even realizing it. And before long, what started out as an innocent “nice to meet you, loved your post” turns into something much more, something people start to attach themselves to, something you have to explain to your angry spouse!

Feelings are hurt. Words are fired that can’t be taken back.

Luckily in my case, I’m pretty self-aware and thanks to my parents, I have a healthy self-worth. I was able to stop this in its tracks!

But for many people, that’s not the case, and the idea of being missed by someone half way across the world, someone who always finds you beautiful because your profile pic is all they have to go on, feels pretty damn good.

I could go on and on but here’s the bottom line that might get me some unsubscribes.

In most cases (I said MOST) infidelity, of any kind, is not the cause of an unhappy relationship, it is the RESULT.

Human beings NEED connection. Ever read that story about those orphaned babies who were never held and failed to thrive? Human connection and human touch are as important to our health as food and water.

Social media is a haven for people who are lacking human connection. The mask that Facebook allows us to wear is the perfect breeding ground for connection to bloom. And sure, every once in a while on your internet home page you’ll see a video of some cheesy ballpark engagement between two people who met online, but in a lot of cases, that happy ending never takes place because the people in question are committed (and I use that term loosely) to other people.

So, in essence, these social media “connections” that are formed between two people sometimes not even on the same continent, are surface at best. Sure they may placate us for a bit, but they can never become what we need them to be because OTHER elements are not present. Elements of touch, of partnership, of a shared vision and shared execution of that vision, of falling asleep together and waking up entwined and at peace. (Don’t get me wrong. Plenty of people have met their spouses online and gone on to have amazing relationships, but in many of those cases, they were free to do so and not trying to passive aggressively fill a voids that weren’t being met.)

That’s what missing from so many of these gray areas – peace. Peace in knowing that you’ve forged something with someone based on honesty. Something that’s free to blossom and deepen without the anxiety of wondering who might find out.

Because people always find out.

And here’s where a gorgeous opportunity lies.

An opportunity to transcend our egos and deepen a connection with the person who is right in front of us.

We can begin to do this in two simple ways:

1. We take responsibility. In most cases, when our partner’s eyes and hearts have wandered it’s because they have become painfully aware of their Need Gap.  Pretend you have a garden. And when you first plant this garden you cherish it. It’s your favorite hobby. You are careful to make sure you water it. You spend time in it. You are fulfilled by watching it grow. And then life gets busy. Something awful happens. Maybe work gets tough and you get distracted and forget to water it. It begins to decay. Luckily, your neighbor, who has always admired your garden, begins to notice its sad state and decides to do something about it. Neighbor waters your garden religiously, restoring it back to health as best he or she can.

You have a choice. You can be SUPER pissed that someone else trespassed on your yard and watered your garden or you can be grateful that they kept your garden alive while you, for whatever reason, couldn’t. You can choose to get self-aware and to think about where or when you may have left the door open. That gap between what your partner needs and what you give them is their Need Gap. And keeping that gap in the door closed is the key to a committed, fulfilling relationship.

2. The second way you can transcend is to break the “treat others how you want to be treated” rule. In relationships, this rule is kind of bullshit. The key to closing the need gap isn’t to treat your partner how you want to be treated, it’s to treat them how THEY want to be treated. My husband and I have walked this slippery slope many many times.

Example: Husband spends all morning cleaning my car while I try to work and simultaneously care for three kids, one of whom has the stomach flu. Husband is then pissed that I don’t show gratitude for my sparkly windshield. But here’s the thing – I don’t cherish a sparkly windshield. I cherish partnership. I cherish help.

One of the most popular books of all times on this subject is The 5 Love Languages. I haven’t read the whole thing, but you get the gist. We all speak a different love language and the key is to find out what language (meaning what needs) your partner has and to fill those so that your partner feels loved. And not only find out, but to continue to be curious about those needs as they will change and evolve over time. I LOVED that my husband couldn’t keep his hands off of me when we were engaged. Now I just want him to empty the f*cking dishwasher and deal with the toddler meltdown without being asked to! ASK. Find out what your partner cherishes. Do they need you to hold their hand in public? Do they need their alone time? Do they need you to just let them be who they are and not judge? Find out. Endless curiosity is one of the most under-credited tools that can keep you out of divorce court.  

3. Ok I said there were two but I lied. There are 3.  GET SELF AWARE AND BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. When random penis pic person and I had our conversations, he always referred to me as “babe.” I had seen him refer to other people as babe so I justified it as OK by saying “that’s just how he talks.” But if I were REALLY honest, I LIKED being called babe. It was something my husband USED to call me until suddenly, one day, he didn’t anymore. I always took the abrupt withdrawal of that term of endearment very personally. As though his love for me had changed and I no longer deserved the nickname. To this day, I haven’t solved that mystery, but it illuminated to me that I very much need sweet words of affirmation. Now it’s up to me to communicate that to my husband and up to him to do something about it or run the risk of a neighbor jumping in and watering that need.

Once I tell him, the ball’s in his court. If he chooses to not use sweet, affirming words, he technically has no right to be shocked if I start hearing (and enjoying them) from someone else.

And likewise, if he is honest and open about HIS needs, I can choose to meet them or he run the risk of his gap being filled by a hot nanny.

So it’s pretty simple. If you WANT to stay happy in your relationship, do these things:

  1. Find out what your partner cherishes.
  2. Give it to them.
  3. Figure out what YOU cherish.
  4. Tell your partner so that they can give it YOU.

Cheers to finding and closing the Need Gap, to love, and to the pretty great “cable after dark” sex lives that could be happening if we could all just get our heads out of our asses.

Read this article on the Huffington Post!

Quickies are awesome

Real quick – I’ve had the privilege this year of working with some of the folks who are enjoying the kind of life that most of the world admires. I was asked yesterday in an interview what I’ve noticed about successful people. I wanted to share my answer with you because I think it’s important! Here, in random order are a few universal traits of highly
successful, happy, fulfilled people!

  1. They make quick decisions.

Successful people don’t waste time debating. This has worked wonders for me, too. If I’m offered a great opportunity, I take it and then figure out the details later!

  1. Successful people are able to make fast decisions because they know their North Star.

They know their goals. They know what they are moving towards. So they are able to spot which decisions will get help them get there and which are a waste of time. Suzanne Evans is always saying, “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.”

3. They watch their mouths.

Successful people mind their language. They don’t allow themselves to speak in negativity. They don’t use words that suggest lack or hardship. HUGE shift for me. When I stopped saying, “I can’t afford that,” my bank account grew. I don’t think there is anything that is out of reach. I don’t say “I can’t afford it,” I say, ‘Ok I want this, so what do I have
to do, create or sell to get it!”

  1. They have fun.

Fun is a PRIORITY. I see way too many entrepreneurs trying to run a “freedom business” but checking their email 24/7, getting annoyed if people don’t answer them immediately, stressing about the perfect this, the perfect that. Have fun people. It makes you more interesting.

  1. They are compassionate. The string of scandals with high powered people lately (hello Jared from Subway) are proof that karma is a bitch no matter who you are. Successful people are decent. They give a shit. They understand that the world doesn’t revolve around them. They give gifts to their assistant’s kids and they open the doors for people.

6. They honor their dreams, no matter how weird or seemingly off course.

That’s why Reese Witherspoon has a clothing site and several Oscar winning actors are in rock bands. Do what the hell you want to do in this life.

7. They wake up early and meditate.

It’s huge.

8. They have coaches of all kinds.

Spiritual coaches. Business coaches. Astrology coaches. Because successful people know the importance of trying something new and the importance of ALWAYS learning.

  1. They eat well and exercise all the time.

I’m still working on this one. Love donuts, love wine, hate running. In fact, if you see me running you should run too because there is probably something chasing me.

OK, so maybe that wasn’t a quickie but I hope you are satisfied. 😉 These work! Try to incorporate some of these into YOUR daily life and mindset.

Gotta run. Coffee’s done!

To your new kick ass success mindset.

Success truths no one talks about at parties

I know its been a long time since I wrote a really personal note but the truth is, I was busy being “successful”. Yes, there is a hint of sarcasm there. Let me explain. (It’s long but worth the read!)

I want to talk about a few success truths that no one shines a light on. You get the emails just like I do. So and so is singing the praises of a freedom biz with a stock image of a laptop propped up on someone’s legs as they lounge at the beach.

But here’s the truth:

My business has TRIPLED in the last six months and my ass is no where near the beach!

I am beyond grateful that I get to do what I love and do it on my own schedule, and the whole “laptop lifestyle” is DEFINITELY my thing. But I found that as I expanded, a whole new set of challenges presented itself. I’ve been quiet, because you’ve gotta watch what you complain about! But now I realize that it’s important to speak up about some of this. I want to share a bullet pointed list of things no one talks about and truths I have learned over the last few months:

  1. Big business isn’t for everyone. You are bombarded with emails about how to get your business to 6 or 7 figures. And while I do have clients that have reached those marks, those numbers by no means define success. And as I start to see six figures on the horizon, I also see the massively longer to-do list that will come with it. Success is defined by how happy and balanced and aligned you feel on a day to day basis. If you make an extra $2 grand a month and you’re happy with that, you’re successful. (Bonus truth- you can find out who your real friends by changing your life and finding success. The ones that are happy, rather than threatened or envious, are the ones you should keep.)

  2. Business, period, isn’t for everyone. The media has done a great job of making us feel like we are “less than”if we aren’t embarking on an Eat, Pray, Love pilgrimage and creating some kind of purpose that either makes us millions or inspires a documentary. Entrepreneurship is definitely for me. But if it’s not for you, that’s ok. If you can show up at your BEST by working for  someone else and coming home and being fully present for your loved ones, that is EXTRAORDINARY. Your purpose is not something you go out and find, it is something you DECIDE. And if you decide that your purpose is to be a source of light and a kind smile for everyone you walk by, you WILL change the world, one passing pedestrian at a time.

  3. I learned that I am a bit of a commitment phobic. I’m lucky. I don’t advertise, I don’t even have a new site up yet and my client list is at overflow just from referrals. But as each new unsolicited inquiry came in, rather than feeling celebratory, I felt a little panic. “Oh my gosh. I am becoming KNOWN for a certain thing.” My chest felt a little tight. I felt the box being built up around me. Am I OK only doing this one type of work forever? I took a breath, of course, and got over it, but consider this: the very thing you are striving to build may in fact work out tremendously well. It is at that point that you have to decide if it still aligns with your values and vision. For me it did, but I had to get through that panic mode first. I had to get through the whole cereal box to get to the prize at the bottom and then I had to decide if that prize was worth keeping. It is of course, but I will probably take that prize and customize it a bit. Paint it. bedazzle it, and make it my own. After all, I can only be boxed in if I stand still. =)

4. With expansion comes the need for a whole new set of boundaries. I LOVE my clients. And I totally get that their businesses are their babies. And I get SO involved with them (mentally) that I don’t just want to work on their projects, I want to move into their houses with them and help them take care of their babies. Their success means that much to me and I LOVE what I do. But I also love sitting on my couch with a kid under each arm and one at my feet while Spongebob plays non stop on the DVR. I love BOTH of those things. And I am big believer that there shouldn’t be a separation of work and life. They should blend seamlessly together as they are both integral parts of what my friend and colleague Cindia Carrere calls our “abundance pie.” The trick is, making sure that one piece of your pie doesn’t start getting all of the attention.

With business expansion, comes a whole lot more that needs you. And because I care SO much, I have to be really careful about my boundaries or I WILL be up at 3am answering client emails and my kids WILL pay for it when 7am comes and I am the grouchy mom who doesn’t feel like making breakfast. I sat with my team and we worked it out and going forward, we will not be doing private life coaching and will be focusing on business, brand alignment and copy only. And rather than having a ton of clients that are with us indefinitely, we will be focusing on the Biz in a Box VIP Experience. You, me, your dream biz, all worked out, built out and packaged up all pretty over the span of just one month. (Details coming soon!) So basically, we are going against the grain in terms of what most people do. My goal isn’t to leverage my time by serving 500 people on group calls. My goal is to serve WAY less than that, but do it in the most value packed, customized, warm and fuzzy way.

In the Miracle Project, I teach a lot about non-negotiables. Defining how you want to feel and how you want to live and then ONLY saying yes to things that support those non-negotiable values. Some of the things that are really important to me, like chatting with you by email, got lost on the climb up the mountain. Last summer was my summer of bliss. I did a whole LOT of lounging with my kids and drinking wine by the fire with my friends. This summer, with the surge of expansion, I spent most of it indoors on my computer. (Because truthfully you can’t really see the laptop screen on the beach.) So we will be re-working some things here to make sure that the summer of 2016 is as it should be – a hot, blissful three months of nothing pressing to do! Your work should blend in with your life. The pieces of your abundance pie should not fight for your attention.

  1. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. I have been blessed with amazing opportunities over the last few months. In addition to running my own biz, I’ve joined the coaching team of Rich German and Milana Leshinsky to help people in their JV Insider Circle group. I have had the pleasure of working with people I respect tremendously like Bret Gregory, Tera Maxwell and Shanda Sumpter just to name a few. But I also realized that just because an opportunity is awesome, doesn’t mean it belongs in my pie. It’s ok to say no. You don’t have to feel like you’re missing out on anything. If the “no” comes from an effort to balance, and not from a place of fear, you’re ok. If you end up not opening a door, odds are, it wasn’t your door. (Click to tweet that. 😉
  2. Don’t let what you don’t have hold you back. I currently don’t really have a website. (I have one, but it’s ANCIENT and doesn’t all speak about the work that makes up 95% of my income). So I am living proof that you don’t NEED a fancy site to make money. You just need to do what you love and do it well enough that people talk about it. So if you are WAITING to start your biz because you don’t think you have everything you need, let me tell you the truth. All you need is passion, commitment and consistency to get started.

So there you have it. Go at your own pace. Stop listening to 6 and 7 figure bullshit. If that’s your goal, great, but if it isn’t that’s great too. And if it takes you more than three years to get there, also fine. And if you want to offer things that most of the marketers say you can’t, do it anyway. At the end of the day, the goal should be a life and business that feels aligned with your heart. When you get to a point, where all of the pieces of your life – your kids, your work, your partner, your health – are all shouting “Me! Me! Look over here! Look at me. No look at ME! I asked first!” you need to take a breath, re-visit your non-negotiables and come back to center.

I’m getting there. I realize that it might take me some time to catch up with expansion and find the flow, but for now, I’m good and just sharing this with you has removed my momentary desire to erase all traces of myself from the internet and just go make sea-shell jewelry in Bali. I do this work for a reason. Because I see the brilliance in you. I see the value in your ideas. And I don’t want you to just live life on auto-pilot. Don’t just go through life. Jump on it’s back. Tackle it to the ground. Make it love you. (Click to tweet that 😉

If you’ve got a dream that won’t stop tapping you on the shoulder I’d love to hear about it. And if you can wait three weeks til my kids go back to school, I’ll help you make it happen.

To expansion, balance, truth and dreams.

F U Fear

Fear sucks.


Fear is the primary reason that some soul mates never try. It’s the reason so many dreams are left abandoned on the side of the road. It’s the reason brilliant people die with books still inside of them.

The other day I was frustrated with my daughter. She was refusing to brush her hair and when I told her it would look messy she said, “so what my face is still cute.”

It reminded me of a weird trick I once read to combat fear.

Fear based statements often begin with the words “what if.”What if I try and fail? What if he doesn’t love me? What if it doesn’t work out? Etc etc.

From now on try adding the word “so” to your “what ifs.” My daughter didn’t care if her was messy. She’s gorgeous, and she knew she still had a whole lot of other stuff going for her. And so do you.

Instead of “What if I write the book and it never gets published?” Try “SO WHAT IF it never gets published? I will still have put my story to paper, which is more than a lot of other people would do and maybe someone will find it someday and be changed by it’s wisdom.”

“What if my launch doesn’t make any money?” changes to “SO WHAT IF my launch doesn’t make any money. I will have learned exactly what my audience does NOT want and can adjust accordingly. There’s a bigger, better offer waiting to pour out of me.”

“What if I move to a different city and hate it?” changes to “SO WHAT IF I move and hate it. My feet won’t be shackled to the floor. I’ll just move again!”

Nothing is irreversible and thanks to Google and YouTube there is nothing that cannot be learned or solved in some way.

So write the book. Start the business. Take the trip.

SO WHAT if the result is different than you expected?Different can be freaking beautiful! Different can open doors you hadn’t thought of and show you gifts you didn’t know you possessed.

The only thing you have to fear is REGRET.

You’ve got this. Doesn’t matter what happens or how it turns out.

You’ve got this. 

Just took my family on a trip to Disney World. It was amazing to be able to give them that gift. A few years ago it would have been impossible. Fear held me back for YEARS. Fear kept me from following my dreams, from making money, from stepping into my gifts. Now? My courage speaks louder than my fear. Here are a few pics from the trip.

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Gina's Disney trip

Are you missing Divine messages?

As I begin the process of writing my first novel, I decided to really take stock of what has led to this beautiful expansion that I’ve experienced over the last few years. My friend and editor asked me if I could pin point the defining moment of my shift.

I can’t.

I started to. I wrote down one thing, and then another and then another. Pretty soon I had a huge list of people, places, resources and experiences that had all played a unique and vital role in changing my life: energy healing sessions, tapping, astrology, meditation, classes on writing, classes on finding my “spiritual brand,” you name it, I’ve tried it in the last few years!

I never would have met my soul sister Dawn had I not joined a random coaching group. And Dawn introduced me to my new spiritual mentor. And that spiritual mentor suggested I read a certain book. And that book had me trying a new form of meditation.

All pieces to the puzzle, all links in the chain. All things that showed up along the way as I just kept moving forward.

Woman meditating
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The deepest soul revelations begin when we open the door a crack, just enough to let in the light, which shines directly on the next step. (click to tweet this!)

This week I encourage you to be open. Having a nudge to take a different way home? Or to send an email to someone you admire? Or to start making notes for a project you can’t yet describe. DO it!

Open the door, let in the light!

Have an awesome day my friend!

The 6 Month Miracle Project starts TODAY! If you missed out and want to know what options are still available, Contact me and ask me anything.

More money, more love. And pictures

I’ve noticed a pattern over the last year. My Facebook inbox is increasingly full, and often the messages I get are from women who have noticed a huge change in me. I get messages that say “How do you do it all?!?” and “You are SO different than you were a few years ago” and very often, “I wish I could change my life like you have.”

Now that the doors to the 6 Month Miracle Project are just about open, I wanted to share with you the massive changes that have happened for me. It’s my miracle in pictures.

My Money Story-

For YEARS I struggled. I laid awake at nights worrying about money. I felt embarrassed that I wasn’t doing well and I had more than one business take an embarrassing dive. But then I created the two miracles that would shift that forever: the miracles of Abundance and Responsibility.

Since I learned that miracle formula, I have built a business that brought in more money in 6 months than I had made in TEN years. I became an author. I took a 5 star trip to Texas with my mom and my brother. Our first ever! I travel several times a year to beautiful California (I had never even been on a plane alone!) and I am hanging out with people whose books are on my shelf! How? MIRACLES.

On the beach in San Diego

On the beach in San Diego
With miracle partner dawn Berube

With Miracle partner Dawn Berube
A solo trip to the beach with my babies

A solo trip to the beach with my babiesmage
With my mom and brother in beautiful Texas!

With my mom and brother in beautiful Texas!
With Noah St. John and his wife Babette.

With Noah St. John and his wife Babette.

My Love Story- Here’s the truth. My husband and I have been married for 12 years. For 9 of those I was empty. Resentful. Disconnected. But then I learned the Miracles of Positive Processing and Living GreatFully. I was able to release YEARS of blame and anger. I was able to learn to how to stay in peace, how to lead with love, how to extract the gold underneath the dirt! And the best part? I had this guy:

Baby Levi
who turned into this guy.

And he rounded out my three musketeers,

3 Musketeers
who, by the way, are the happiest, silliest kids I know, and are very much enjoying their happy, present mommy!


Silly Happy Mommy

My Soul Story- When I take a look back at those years of pain and uncertainty I want to hold that girl in my arms and tell her, “Don’t you see? You have everything you need. You have divinity in your blood. You’re ok already. You’re already powerful!” I will never forget the day that I knelt in a church, sobbing hysterically, asking God why he wasn’t listening to me. But then I learned the Miracles of Source and Divinity. And now? I feel so…. gosh its tough to put into words… whole.


I understand now what it means to have God-given power. I spend time drinking that in, basking in the warmth of this Universal energy and power that we ALL have at our fingertips. I give myself TLC.

I connect to my femininity. I do what makes me happy.

I savor my morning coffee, I hug my babies a lot and I spend time with girls.


And my smile reaches my eyes. And I commit to bliss and laughter and love. And I cannot believe how lucky I am to have this life.


If there is any part of you that doesn’t feel whole, any part of you that knows on a soul deep level that something is missing, start your journey to making miracles. I so badly want this for you. Because I know it works.

Popular UNtruths

I know that what I am about to write will be really unpopular with some people. I might even get a few email unsubscribes, but I am willing to take that chance because I believe in what I am saying and I believe in your right to live how you want to live.

There is this massive trend among top experts telling you the following UNtruths (I wont say lies):

  • That if you want material things you aren’t spiritual.
  • That if you aren’t absolutely content with what you have now, you aren’t spiritual.
  • That if you care how you look you aren’t spiritual.
  • That if you regularly watch The Kardashians,  shame on you

Here’s the truth- Of course your happiness shouldn’t DEPEND on material things. Of course you should always find something to be grateful for and when you do, peace and love and abundance find you.

And of course, your hair shouldn’t be the most important thing on your to do list.


Happiness is about what makes you feel good. Period. 

I’m a girly girl. I spend stupid amounts of money on make up. I also pray and meditate daily.

Anything that makes you feel good, that gets you laughing, that makes you smile, sets the spirit of love and the law of attraction in motion.

When you are happy, you glow. You light up the way for everyone around you. And it doesn’t matter if that glow came from a deep, meditative experience or a luxury face cream that makes you feel like a million bucks.

Happy is happy.

So yes. Learn how to process life in a way that serves you. Learn how to master your mind and stay grateful.

BUT know what happiness means to YOU. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! Shout it! Claim it! And in the spirit of ONE life, in the name of the clock ticking, for the love of all things awesome GO OUT AND GET IT!

Life should feel like this! Happy women friends

Can I get a hell yes!??! (For real, leave a comment and let me hear it!) 

And don’t forget to grab your free Miracles course!!!!