Today started out kind of…sucky. I awoke at 3 am to the sound of a dog barking which turned out to be my 2 year old fighting an alarming cough. I held him most of the night, woke up groggy, wondering where I would find the energy to get the other two kids dressed for school and then it happened — his diaper leaked and he threw up. At the same time.
At this point you might be wondering why in the heck I am sharing this disgusting story with you. Here’s why.
When that happened, my gut reaction (after the initial “OH MY GOD, GROSS!” reaction had passed) was actually GRATITUDE. Why?
Because I had no where to go. I work from home. My company plan is in MY hands. I can reschedule clients if I need to and hold my baby til he feels better. I can work in my pajamas today if a shower and makeup just don’t happen. (And so far they haven’t.)
It occurred to me as I looked over our team plan for the month that we are not launching Soul Success. I am not offering a program. I am offering something much bigger, much deeper. I am offering empowerment. Time freedom. Pajama laptop days.
As I held my gross baby he looked up at me with his sweet brown eyes, full of big tears and his little red nose and I felt overwhelmed with love. “THIS is my reason,” I thought to myself. “THIS Is my ‘why’.” I do what I do so that I can be here when they need me, so that I don’t have to send them to daycare, so that I can take the middle one to see Disney on Ice and so that I can buy the oldest one his absurdly expensive basketball shoes.
I wasn’t always able to do that. When I launched my company I had no money and no idea what I was doing. What I had was the desire to live differently, to never again feel “less than”, to be my own hero, and theirs. And I was willing to take a chance, to invest in my dream, to be temporarily uncomfortable for a permanent difference. I chose to leap. And to trust myself, knowing there is no greater power than that of a determined woman.
And I honestly never thought to myself “what if this doesn’t work?” Asking that question sends a message to the universe that failure is an option. For me it’s not. And it doesn’t have to be for you either. The successful mindset doesn’t waste energy worrying that something might not work. The successful mindset DECIDES that it WILL work and then does whatever it takes to make that true.
When I hired my first coach and joined my first program, I wasn’t joining because I was dying to learn the ins and outs of lead generation. I wasn’t buying email marketing training. I was buying mornings on the couch cozied up to my sick baby and afternoons volunteering at my kids’ school. I was buying my freedom from the shackles of need. I was buying the ability to say “Yes, if you read two Harry Potter books I WILL take you to Universal Studios.”
At the end of the day, you are not motivated by logistics or group calls or bonus products. You are motivated by what moves you in your quiet moments, what wraps you in gratitude and what fills your heart with love.