I was laying in bed last night, after celebrating my oldest son’s 11th birthday, and I swear I had a whole year’s worth of emotions in a span of 20 minutes: overwhelming love for my kids, a bit of sadness that the years are passing so quickly, pride in the beautiful people they are becoming, gratitude for the miracles I’ve been guided to create for us the last few yeas.
I realized that the more intentional I become, the better life gets.
I usually keep my soul manifestos between me and God but I wanted to share it with you today. It’s a blend of dreams and goals and commitments to myself. Half to-do list. Half prayer list. All true. All possible.
“This year I am dripping in dreams and fueled by change. This year, I am telling fear to f**k off and making every decision with faith, love and self-hearted warrior courage. (Click to Tweet This) I will be led only by my own heart, my own voice and the whispers of the Holy Spirit. I will laugh even more and hug even harder. This year is about depth, expansion and MIRACLES.”
What’s this year about for YOU? Whatever it is, bask in it, savor it, preach it, have a party for it.
Don’t just hope, DECIDE. Don’t just wait, CREATE. Don’t just settle, MANIFEST.
Whatever you want that you don’t yet have is waiting for you to fight for it. (Click to tweet this.)
Its up to YOU to declare the shift. I hope you feel how powerful that is! Getting responsible isn’t heavy. It’s liberating! You got this 😉