I begged for my life

I have just come back from sunny San Diego and WOW what a ride! I was heading there to meet with my amazing Master Mind group and could not wait to see my sisters in success. But I was in no way prepared for the bumpy plane ride out to California.

About an hour before landing, everything went wrong. We encountered terrible, incredibly alarming turbulence that bumped the plane sideways, dropped us repeatedly, sent bags and snacks flying, made babies cry and caused the poor woman behind me to hyperventilate and scream in terror.

I am not exaggerating.

I bartered with God.

At that moment I honestly asked myself “If this plane doesn’t make it, do my children know how much I love them? Will the little one even remember me?” I have tears in my eyes typing this, it was THAT scary. But we made it. It got me thinking about how blessed I am to be living the life I set out to live. Are you?

If your plane started falling, what would you WISH you had done?

Whatever your answer is, please do it. And soak up every single second of breathtaking beauty and peace and fun and passion that comes when you step into your dreams and live with love as your compass.

And now that the heavy stuff is over, check out some pics from our master mind meeting.

My mastermind groupView from the doorPutting our heads together

What a glorious place to work. I had a blast with these fabulous, powerful, courageous women who are making things happen in their businesses. It was one heck of a slumber party! No, we didn’t do each other’s hair, but we DID talk strategies. (Many in this group are having 5 figure days!) We did chat about our men and our families and we definitely shared some delicious wine and decadent treats! We were also kept up all night by a barking seal outside our waterfront room.

Can’t say that’s ever happened to me before! =)


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