That’s how it begins. Freedom, that is. A little spark lights from within, and a whisper from your soul says, “Do this.” And suddenly, courage becomes more powerful than fear and you decide at that moment to take the vision in your heart and bring it to life.
But how?

You know what you want. You can see it. You can feel it. You are committed to creating something that lights you up.
You need inspired action. Consistent creativity. A channel that carries your message and genius directly to the people who are meant to be in your world.
You are committed to truth.
To Love.
I know you…
Deep down you know that being YOU is the gateway to BEING everything else you want to be. Successful, happy, impactful,
I see you…
Feeling all of this, you look out on the landscape of online business today and sometimes just feel behind, jerked around, or lost. Everyone is shoving solutions in your face that will take you from side hustle to six-figures in no time flat! And none of it feels light, true, authentic, or ACCESSIBLE.
I am you…
If you.....
- Feel icky when you read a salesy email...
- Tend to dwell in opposites and contrasts…
- Are fiercely committed to truth and authenticity as a bridge to wealth....
- Believe in fusion brands that are tangible expressions of a dynamic and multi-passionate soul...
- Completely understand the connection between energy AND success, between spirit AND strategy...
- Believe in the power of collaboration over the pettiness of competition...
- Understand that being able to hear your own intuition is a vital life skill and profit strategy…
- Fully understand that a second set of eyes and a fresh perspective breathe new life force into your business…
- Have one foot in the “I want to be paid for my purpose” boat and one in the “purpose is great but I have bills to pay” boat..
Then this is where you belong. This is the magic you’ve been waiting for.
This is your chance to take your Divine gifts, place them center stage, shine a bright twinkling spotlight on them and send a signal to the Universe that says “Here I am! Come, watch, be changed by it!”
From this moment forward you’re going to grow your business with the only strategy that is required for huge and sustainable success that feels like magic AND fills the bank account—
Still with me?
Let’s keep going.
I can promise you that this is not a bunch of hype and fluff. Because I know that if you’re here, these are the things about you that are true:
You’re an introvert but you like people
You’re probably an empath
You completely believe that spirit MUST be a part of success
If something is out of alignment you can’t do it. Period. It physically feels heavy.
You would NEVER use manipulative marketing. Because ew.
You like and need money but cringe at hard selling.
Some of the facebook ads you read from other experts make you question how you feel about humanity.
You can spot bullshit a mile away
You would probably rather fake your own disappearance than spend all day taking pictures of yourself even though you know you “should” be.
Anything that remotely feels like a “should” makes your soul contract just a little bit.
You have more than once thought you might be a witch or wished you had magical powers and a British accent (ok maybe that one’s just me)
You love love.
You throw light around, even at perfect strangers.
You’re tired and weary of what you’re seeing in the online coaching industry
You can immediately spot a fraud. And WOW there are a lot of them. It probably makes you sad.
You have told yourself more than once (and your group of likemindeds, who shook their heads in agreement) that if THIS is what it takes to run an online business, it’s probably not for you. It is. Hang on. Keep reading.
Welcome home.
I created the Magic Marketing Club to be a sacred space for Intuitive Creation and Strategic guidance.

A place for the wild, the unique, the brave, and soul-led business owners who are doing the work that changes the world!
And sometimes you don’t want a $25,000 mastermind.
Sometimes you cannot bring yourself to bend and fit the mold.
Sometimes you just need a bite.
A leg up.
An instant shift.
An answer.
In The Magic Marketing club, or as I am calling, simply, The Magic, we are dedicated to helping you create things that are authentic, useful, beautiful and a tangible expression of your unique gifts.
We challenge the notion that marketing must manipulate. In fact, we challenge just about everything.
Conscious, multi-passionate entrepreneurs after all, have no interest in the norm, the standard size box and the "typical" ways. We're not even sure why there IS a box but if we found it, we'd probably re-decorate it, bedazzle it and transform it into something better.
You’re ready to stay embodied and empowered and extraordinary and you know on a soul-deep level that it CAN work that way.
You’re right.
And The Magic is the power source for the people like us.
The people who KNOW things but can’t explain how…
The people who feel things more deeply, see things more clearly and are tired of denying it.
The mentoring in this club isn’t just centered on warm and fuzzy whispers from spirit.
And it’s not just fixated on proven, time-tested sales tactics.
Because if you’re here, you already know (and possibly found out the hard way) that if you focus on soul exclusively, you make no money, and if you focus on strategy exclusively, you will, without a doubt, come down with an ugly case of soul-fatigue.
So I created this home for you because owning a business is a deep, beautiful, and sometimes taxing spiritual journey that requires MAINTENANCE and HELP.
And I felt a little GUILTY.
If you don’t yet know me, I’m Gina Hussar, Intuitive brand strategist, award winning writer and resident truth-teller around here.
Maybe you’ve never even heard of me, but I bet I’ve sold you something.
You see, over the last several years I have acted as an Intuitive Business Coach, copy writer and content strategist for some of the most well-known coaches and entrepreneurs in the world.

They started to call me the industry’s “best kept secret.”
I wasn’t sure if I liked that. After all, why would I want to be a SECRET?
I had the privilege of a bird’s eye, behind the scenes view of the businesses of top earners. Some inspired me tremendously. Many others made me question my faith in humanity.
I could no longer bring myself to just “make the numbers.” I could no longer watch as people-- good, talented, authentic people-- were being bullied and manipulated into buying things they couldn’t afford and didn’t actually need.
Some of those coaches don’t call it manipulating. They call it “standing in the fire” with you.
And sadly it often works. People buy. Only to end up feeling out of place, unseen, no further ahead and with LESS money in the bank then they started with.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
I have built a six-figure business solely by following my intuition and making ONLY decisions that aligned with my heart, my values and quite simply, my schedule, my preferences, my “that’s just how I roll” quirks and truths.
And you can too.
In fact, it’s the only way to go.
You see I realized one day that I was making things happen, BIG things, by going totally against conventional wisdom.
- I was magnetizing clients WITHOUT spending tons of money on marketing.
- I was selling programs WITHOUT lengthy funnels!
- I was creating businesses and writing books and doing it all completely “out of order”
- I was totally ignoring all the “expert” advice and following the whispers from my soul.
I built a 6-figure business using many tools but the MOST important one, the most profitable one, the one that changed my life, was my own intuition.

“Gina Hussar is one of the most brilliant women. She brings an energy of softness and effortless success. The year we started working together we reached $1 Million Cash! Wow wow wow! I hired her to help me with copywriting when I got pregnant and had my baby. My business kept thriving and I worked so much less and earned so much more. But the best part? It is her. Her energy. Her love. Her care. I will never never forget the time we spent together.”
- Andreia Viana, www.andreiaviana.com
“Gina Caruso Hussar is a spectacular instructor, editor, and idea-generator. She is profoundly gifted in her work. I felt that Gina truly cared about me and my work. She has understood the message I’m conveying and has helped me to craft it with grace. She is also highly intuitive, and finds the best words for the right copy at the right moment. She has a magnanimous heart as well. I deeply appreciate the fact that I’ve had the opportunity to work with her.”
- Marilyn Gordon, Transformational Catalyst, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Teacher, and Author
I see people all the time in the coaching industry looking down on intuition as overly spiritual, not enough “grit” they say.
The use of a spiritual convention to grow a business gets a bad rep in some circles.
That’s because those people do not understand that intuition is not a spiritual convention but a HUMAN one.
As human as your emotions, your craving for cake and your desire for someone to love you as you are.
Intuition is not the opposite of intellect.
It is a FORM of intellect. And I would argue, the most vital form.
It is both the gift and the practice of deriving our intellect from a source beyond ourselves, beyond our ego, beyond our learned skills and abilities. It is Divine Intelligence.
I don’t know about you, but I would prefer to solve all of my problems from the field of Divine Intelligence as the world of human intelligence has produced some pretty fucked up problems.
The use of our own intuition and magic to grow in every way is not a trend, it’s not a mystic ritual reserved for the folks who howl at the moon and live in the margins.
It is simply the act of grabbing a unique form of knowledge from a realm we cannot see but is surely there. It’s the alchemizing of truth, the sifting through a bottomless well of universal information that is always available to us when the logical mind has reached its limits.
There isn’t one person reading this who isn’t a magic intuitive.
And yet, we feel kind of bullied to do it all “their” way.
To dim our light.
To quiet our wild voices.
To conform.
You should be able to grow your business without changing who you are, re-mortgaging your home, lying to your partner, giving up meals, going into debt or handing over a kidney.
In fact, now more than ever the world NEEDS more people to come alive, to innovate, to LEAD. And it’s my mission to help you get there.
There is a shift happening. The old ways aren’t working anymore.
You want to grow your business? Throw out the “shoulds,” put down the data and go deep.
And let’s do it all at a HIGHER level, from a HIGHER perspective, with HIGHER integrity.
And a dash of magic.
Because you can, without a doubt, HAVE IT ALL!!
And you FEEL it. That fire… that knowing that’s constantly whispering to you “there’s MORE for you.”
More love.
More money.
More light.
More purpose.
More profit.
More GOOD.
Imagine being able to pop on a call and get your questions answered right away.
Imagine having a direct line to a mentor who has helped clients generate hundreds of thousands of dollars by simply tuning in and delivering the strategies that were most aligned to their energetic codes.
Imagine having a sacred circle of like-minded souls with a collective goal of rising, thriving and flourishing with integrity.
Imagine being able to have the exact business you want by being exactly who you are.
Imagine becoming bilingual, speaking your native language AND the language of your longings.
Imagine following the thread that connects you to your Destiny.
Now you might be asking, if it really is possible to stay wild AND be successful, why isn’t EVERYONE doing it?
The reason people shy away from their own magic is because too many humans have learned to prioritize fitting in over being real.
Too many humans are focused on GETTING over being.
Too many humans are more comfortable inside containers that OTHERS have created for them.
Your magic requires a kind of radical courage that asks for a commitment to truth. It requires you to follow your own sacred scripture. It will urge you to turn down the noise that so expertly disguises what’s wrong in favor of the whisper that will show you what’s right.
And let’s be honest. What’s right isn’t always what’s comfortable.
If you’ve ever ended a marriage, or stopped enabling a sibling, or quit a job, you know what this is like.
And none of it would have been possible had I tried to do it completely alone.
Because there were some TOUGH days. No matter what level you are playing at, tech stuff glitches, launches fail, lists go cold, and you need an infusion of energy from people who GET YOU.
Because that’s where the MAGIC happens.
In a circle of consistent, authentic support from like-minded people who share the collective goal of raising each other up!
The Magic Marketing Club is a cocktail blend of Intuitive Business Guidance, strategic coaching, copy writing and SOUL meant to propel you forward to a level of aligned and empowered greatness that changes your life and the lives of the people you connect with.
It’s collective brilliance for your big idea.
It’s the ultimate restoration of flow.
It’s a custom curated recipe for aligned and integrated success.
It’s home.
Repeat after me:
I am the founder of my company. I am a CEO. I was Divinely bestowed these gifts and talents so that I could use them to help people. I was born to be part of the solution. I am light. I am love. I am fierce. I am determined. I am committed. I am READY.
This is for you if you want to know…
- How to answer, once and for all, the dreaded question “what do you do?” without being met with a blank stare and crickets.
- How to be the multi-passionate dynamo you are without looking or feeling scattered, unfocused, unspecialized (Spoiler alert, when you understand how to INTEGRATE, that weird blend of awesome you have becomes UNIQUE VALUE. $$$)
- Why you can STOP trying to get in front of “prospects,” stop trying to grow your “Iist” and what to do instead with all the free time you then have.
- The easiest mindset shifts for positioning yourself as a trusted expert, which you are. (If even the word “marketing” makes you feel icky or out of your league, this is for you.”)
- The conscious copy strategies that inspire, rather than manipulate your clients to buy.
- The soul-deep exercises (Only for the truly courageous people who want the truth) that will show you exactly where you’re out of alignment and where you’ve been selling yourself short and leaving money on the table) .
- The simple shift that eliminates the need to “sell” altogether. (I do this. It’s amazing. I do not have sales conversations, yet my closing rate is right around 80-90% consistently).
- How other multi-passionate, conscious brands have built HUGE cult followings and run their businesses however the hell they want and get paid for it (You’ll meet them, learn from them, and probably become part of their cult following too. And I bet they’ll become part of yours. 😉
- The best ways to structure your body of work so that it aligns with your PERSONAL ECOLOGY (You know, that other thing you have going on called LIFE!)
- How the most successful people I know (humbly, myself included) let God/spirit/the universe run their businesses. (Seriously, I can’t believe I spent years making it a thousand times harder than it is. I still need to be reminded of this time and time again and I swear every time, the universe rolls its eyes at me.)
- ALL of the places you can reinforce your brand identity and heighten the brand experience for your customers that you’re probably not using! (Hint- these are the places that create massive brand loyalty and it’s easy to do).
- How to create a compelling, converting, but highly nurturing customer journey that feels good to you AND to them. (Because who on earth wants to create sales transactions? Sounds cold and meaningless and not fun for anyone. Instead, create a JOURNEY that leads to the win/win energetic exchange of money for life-changing transformation).
- How to master the art of Relationship Marketing by running your business with the same principles human beings employ when they are falling love!
- How to create your Marketing Mosaic- your personal art of passion-sharing. Because marketing isn’t meant to be linear. YOU are not linear. You are sparkly and expansive and all over the place. Your marketing can be a direct reflection of that dynamic, broad and varied brand of beauty. These are the aligned pieces of your marketing mosaic you need (and there are less than you think) to get a site/brand/biz up and running even if no one’s ever heard of you.
- How to design your BRAND CONSTELLATION. Your signature foundation. The tagline, acronym, method or concept from which your business can expand and from which all of your offerings are born.
It’s your business GPS. Gone is that broken record inner monologue of “What’s next?”
Alright then, let’s do it!

Here’s What Our Journey together will look like and what you’ll get:

An order to your quarter! Stop wondering what’s next! Every three months you’ll receive a quarterly biz check up to help you get clear on what the next quarter’s goals should look like. Ideally, you’ll end with a system you can rinse and repeat every darn year!

A private circle of support. An exclusive Facebook group that is meant to be used as your personal sounding board. Ask, vent, support, celebrate. This is round-the-clock access to me, my team and your fellow visionary super star magic family!

Weekly Strategy & Soul Sweeps. Every week you’ll receive an email with a Purpose & Perspective Shift to help you raise your game and KEEP it there! The very best strategic advice, the most transformational personal growth perspectives AND my favorite products and resources, the ones that helped ME find my spark and flow.

WEEKLY group strategy and creation call with me. Live hot seat coaching, copy reviews and strategic guidance.

A monthly group training call with a guest teacher or a spotlight brand! Every month you’ll have the chance to hear from my friends and colleagues- experts in branding, facebook marketing, webinars and even intuition. PLUS, you’ll hear from spotlight brands, our favorite entrepreneurs who rose to the top by way of radical ALIGNMENT!
You're going to get specific trainings and templates on:

Crafting a title for yourself that makes sense

Crafting a title for your program so that it sells

How to write a sales page if you want to

How to write an email sequence that feels more like a love letter

How to create a compelling and magical journey that builds trust and positions you as an expert in your field

The elements of a customer journey that turns curious onlookers into committed clients!

How to master the art of hearing and following your own intuition so that you always know what to do next in your business.

How to use the secrets of luxury, house-hold name brands to create your own audience of raving fans
Here’s the truth: If you want to be an entrepreneur, you need a lot of things.
You need a brand.
You need content.
You need an audience.
You need a point of view.
You need something to sell.
You need a place for all of your awesomeness to live (a site).
And you need a plan for how you will deliver your message and your offerings to the world.
And you can find a program for each one of those things.
But why would you when the answers for all of them stem from ONE CENTRAL NUCLEUS.
Right now, you can become a member of what I believe is a game-changing, revolutionary club created to empower you by way of total restoration of ALIGNMENT.
Because there’s a shift happening, and the truly gifted, truly conscious leaders are feeling it!
A shift that is putting the power back into the hands of the people who will use it for the greater good- the visionaries, the creators, the healers, the alchemists, the courageous, heart-centered people who don’t just have ideas, but are channels and bridges connecting realms and proving that light is lucrative
That desires are policies.
That intentions are growth strategies.
That intuition is a powerful mentor.
So this will not cost you the typical mastermind price of $500-1000 a month.
This will not cost you a contract signed in blood and your first born.
It’s just $111/month. No contract.
And for a limited time, you can start your first month for
JUST $1!!
Stay as long as it’s helping. Break up with me if it’s not.
(In other words, you may cancel anytime.)

Get the help you need, the support you need, the WAY you need it, without throwing yourself into the frantic urgency of a five-figure price tag.
There is no hidden upsell.
This is the offer.
I am here to give you a year’s worth of high-level masterminding and mentoring for less than the cost of a half VIP day with most coaches out there.
My hope is that you'll fall in love, feel nurtured, get inspired by strategies that feel like answers to your prayers, and stay awhile. =)
But that’s not all.
The Pretty Juicy Guarantee That Most People Won’t Give But Hey, We Follow The Flow Here and This is What I Was Guided To Write.
If you are not satisfied with what you’re learning in this program AND you have actually shown up to the calls and done the work, not only can you cancel at anytime, but I’ll also gift you with an extra private VIP session so we can laser focus on your business, your perceived problem and your customized solution.
That's right.
You can still quit, but not before I do everything in my power to try to help you get what you came for.
I hope you’ll come hang out with me because we are probably soul-siblings. =)
Here’s to creating your powerful, profitable, totally aligned, fully integrated, mildly addicting, beautiful soul-based biz!
Here’s to never again wondering if you have to do it “their” way.
Here’s to finding a sacred home for all your wild ideas to be born.
Here’s to the power within.
To the truth.
To the way.

When does Magic Marketing Club begin? We begin on October 9! (That's also the Full Harvest Moon!)
I've got more questions, how can I ask you? Click here to shoot me a private message through FB/IG.
What days/times will the live calls be? Days and times are to be announced. Watch for a link to a survey of best times. I'll go with the one that fits most Club member's schedules!